It’s Thai Time…

I have another fantastic clean, green eating natural and rapid fitness friendly meal to share. Thai Green Chicken Curry!!!! This is my new favourite, I have had it the last three nights because it’s that good.

But first I need to share a quick side dish which has become my saviour and which goes awesome with the curry. Before I embarked on my clean, green eating journey I wasn’t a huge eater of carbohydrates e.g. very rarely ate potatoes, bread or pasta. The only thing which I did enjoy a bit because it works so well with curries, stir-fries etc is rice. You know, just something to soak up the sauces and flavours. So an alternative I have been loving is “cauliflower rice”.

Recently I shared a recipe for cauliflower mash which you can find here. However, this hasn’t really become a well-used recipe for me as I was never into mashed potato anyway so there was no need for a substitute. Cauliflower rice however is rocking my world and it’s so so easy. Here’s the recipe:

(Makes approximately 6 cups of rice).

  • 1 head of cauliflower, chopped roughly into florets.
  • Small onion, diced
  • Coconut oil or butter for frying
  • Salt & Pepper
  • Your choice of herbs & spices for seasoningIMG_5849

Add the diced onion, butter and/or coconut oil to a frypan and sauté over a medium heat until softened.

While the onion is sautéing, put all the cauliflower in your food processor and blitz until it looks like rice/couscous (this doesn’t take long).

Once the onion is ready, add the blitzed cauliflower to the pan with salt and pepper to taste and any seasonings you wish to add. Cover and cook for 5-10 minutes until softened. You may wish to add a little bit of water to the pan so that the cauliflower steams rather than burns. 

I find that one head of cauliflower makes a lot of “rice” so I separate what I want for 1 serve (1 cup) and put the rest in a container in the fridge to heat up for other meals later in the week.

Now for the main event which I know is why you all came here and I don’t blame you – it’s delicious:


(Makes 1 serve – so just multiply ingredients by however many people you are serving)


  • Roughly 100g of chicken breast, cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1/2 tablespoon of green curry paste (find one that is free of sugar and additives). I use this one which I found at Countdown:


  • 4 tablespoons of coconut cream
  • 1 1/2 cups of chopped veges – I like to use a mix of broccoli, mushrooms, onions and capsicum.
  • Dash of Fish Sauce
  • Sprinkle of Tamari Sauce (organic soy sauce)
  • A splash of water
  • Pinch of chilli flakes
  • Juice and zest of 1 small lime
  • Coconut oil for cooking
  • 1 cup of prepared cauliflower rice

Over a medium heat melt some coconut oil in a wok (or non-stick frypan) and add your curry paste and 1 tablespoon of coconut cream. Mix and let simmer for a couple of minutes.

Add the chicken and fry until cooked through.

Now add in the remaining coconut cream, mixed veges, lime, fish sauce, chilli, tamari sauce and a splash of water. 


Cover and simmer until all veges are cooked through and your kitchen is filled with delicious thai fragrances.

Serve over warmed through cauliflower rice and enjoy! Easy as that 🙂


Let me know what you think of these recipes. They’re easy to adapt so just play around with the flavours and please share any delicious variations you come up with.


Mindy x

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